The human brain is an amazing organ and is an interconnected labyrinth of nerves, cells, impulses and chemically charged elements called neurotransmitters. Any irregularity among these can cause critical damage to the brain and its components leading to a seizure. Neurologists in Bangalore define seizures as abnormal bursts of neurons firing off electrical impulses, which can cause the brain and body to behave strangely. The severity of seizures can differ from person to person. Some people simply experience an odd feeling with no loss of awareness or may have a "trance-like" state for a few seconds or minutes; while others lose consciousness and have convulsions.
Seizures or medically known as epilepsy are well dealt with across the best Neuro Hospitals in Bangalore but don’t have any age-range of occurrence, however, it is most commonly observed in patients who are young. Although it’s tough to attribute a single condition as a cause for epilepsy but there are some illnesses that may cause lasting damage to the brain:
Cerebrovascular disease
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Brain tumors
Severe head injuries
Seizures can also be caused by triggers or certain kind of medications that may traumatize the brain or its components:
Sleep Deprivation
Unprescribed medications and drugs
Menstruation [in women]
Lack of proper nutrition in the diet
Low blood sugar levels
There are mainly two types of epilepsies that occur in adults - Focal Epilepsy (also known as partial seizures) and Generalized Epilepsy.
Focal Epilepsy: Focal seizures are identified as an unusual electric discharge confined to a smaller area in the brain and are further classified into 3 broad categories which reflect the effect on Consciousness, Responsiveness and Memory and they Frontal Lobe Seizure, Occipital Lobe Seizures, and Parietal Lobe Seizures respectively.
Generalized Seizures: They are mostly characterized by a widespread, beyond-normal discharge affecting both the sides or hemispheres of the human brain. This condition can lead to a patient constantly staring or blinking accompanied by certain jerks and shivers. This type of epilepsy also leads to reduced muscle tone and limb stiffening. These are further classified into:
Absence Seizures
Myoclonic Seizures
Generalized Tonic–Clonic Seizures or Grand mal seizure
Columbia Asia’s department for Epilepsy and Seizure treatment in Bangalore is known for being one of the best in the country.